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In this section, we continue to review subtraction. Subtraction is the act of taking away. We previously learned to identify the parts of a subtraction problem such as: minuend, subtrahend, and difference.
Example 1: Identify the parts of the subtraction problem: 7 - 4 = 3
7 (Minuend) This is the starting amount or whole amount we are taking away from
4 (Subtrahend) This is the amount to be subtracted away or taken away
3 (Difference) This is the amount that is left after 4 is taken away from 7
In easier examples, subtraction can be done mentally. What happens when we need to perform subtraction with: 2 digit numbers, 3 digit numbers, etc...This is where we begin subtracting using a vertical format. This is known as vertical subtraction. We can use this operation when we need to subtract multi-digit whole numbers. Vertical subtraction breaks the subtraction of larger numbers up into a series of smaller manageable steps. We begin by aligning our numbers by place value with the minuend on the top and the subtrahend on the bottom. We then subtract in the ones’ place followed by the tens, hundreds,…etc. We will also review subtracting with regrouping. This is also known as subtracting with borrowing. This occurs when we are subtracting in a column and the top number is smaller than the bottom number.
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