Practice Objectives
- Demonstrate an understanding of the product rule for exponents
- Demonstrate an understanding of the power to power rule for exponents
- Demonstrate an understanding of the product to a power rule for exponents
- Demonstrate an understanding of the quotient to a power rule for exponents
Practice Simplifying Expressions Using the Product & Power Rules for Exponents
Answer 7/10 questions correctly to pass.
Simplify each expression and enter the correct exponent values in the given input fields.
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The Product Rule for Exponents:
- When we multiply two or more exponential expressions with the same base:
- Keep the common base
- Add the exponents
- $$x^a \cdot x^b = x^{a + b}$$
The Power Rules for Exponents:
- To raise a power to a power:
- Leave the base unchanged
- Multiply the exponents
- $$\left(x^a\right)^b = x^{ab}$$
- To raise a product to a power:
- Raise each factor to that power
- $$\left(ab\right)^c = a^cb^c$$
- To raise a quotient to a power:
- Raise the numerator and denominator to that power
- $$\left(\frac{a}{b}\right)^c = \frac{a^c}{b^c}, b ≠ 0$$
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$$a = $$
$$b = $$
$$c = $$
$$d = $$
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