Practice Objectives
- Demonstrate the ability to evaluate an exponential expression
- Demonstrate the ability to evaluate an exponential expression with a base of 10
- Demonstrate the ability to identify the base and exponent of an exponential expression
- Demonstrate the ability to convert between a repeated multiplication and exponential form
Practice Working with Whole Number Exponents
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Evaluating Whole Number Exponents (0 or 1):
- Any non-zero number raised to the power of 0 is 1
- Zero raised to the power of zero is undefined
- Any number raised to the power of 1 is unchanged
Evaluating Whole Number Exponents (2 or larger):
- Write the exponential expression as a repeated multiplication
- Find the product
Evaluating Whole Number Exponents with a Base of 10:
- Write a 1 followed by the same number of zeros as the whole-number exponent
Identify the Base and the Exponent:
- If we have ab:
- a is the base
- b is the exponent
Write a Repeated Multiplication in Exponential Form:
- Write the base as the number being multiplied by itself in the repeated multiplication
- Write the exponent as the number of factors of the base in the repeated multiplication
Exponential Form to a Repeated Multiplication:
- Set up a multiplication with the base multiplied by itself the exponent number of times
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