Practice Objectives
  • Demonstrate the ability to evaluate an exponential expression
  • Demonstrate the ability to evaluate an exponential expression with a base of 10
  • Demonstrate the ability to identify the base and exponent of an exponential expression
  • Demonstrate the ability to convert between a repeated multiplication and exponential form

Practice Working with Whole Number Exponents


Answer 7/10 questions correctly to pass.


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Evaluating Whole Number Exponents (0 or 1):

  • Any non-zero number raised to the power of 0 is 1
  • Zero raised to the power of zero is undefined
  • Any number raised to the power of 1 is unchanged

Evaluating Whole Number Exponents (2 or larger):

  1. Write the exponential expression as a repeated multiplication
  2. Find the product

Evaluating Whole Number Exponents with a Base of 10:

  1. Write a 1 followed by the same number of zeros as the whole-number exponent

Identify the Base and the Exponent:

  • If we have ab:
    • a is the base
    • b is the exponent

Write a Repeated Multiplication in Exponential Form:

  1. Write the base as the number being multiplied by itself in the repeated multiplication
  2. Write the exponent as the number of factors of the base in the repeated multiplication

Exponential Form to a Repeated Multiplication:

  1. Set up a multiplication with the base multiplied by itself the exponent number of times


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