About Metric Conversion:

When we convert between metric units we can multiply by a unit fraction, but a unit conversion chart is usually faster. We set up the unit conversion chart by memorizing: King (Kilo), Henry (Hecto), Died (Deka), Unexpectedly (Basic Unit), Drinking (Deci), Chocolate (Centi), Milk (Milli).

Test Objectives
  • Demonstrate the ability to convert between metric units of length
  • Demonstrate the ability to convert between metric units of weight (mass)
  • Demonstrate the ability to convert between metric units of volume
Metric Conversion Practice Test:


Instructions: Perform each conversion.

a) 12.35 hectograms to decigrams

b) 38.75 liters to dekaliters


Instructions: Perform each conversion.

a) 19.813 centigrams to milligrams

b) 475.32 dekameters to decimeters


Instructions: Perform each conversion.

a) 53.27 kilometers to meters

b) 13 liters to milliliters


Instructions: Perform each conversion.

a) 0.4251 kilograms to grams

b) 0.875 dekaliters to centiliters


Instructions: Perform each conversion.

a) 0.005318 kilometers to decimeters

b) 0.147 dekaliters to kiloliters

Written Solutions:



a) 12,350 decigrams

b) 3.875 dekaliters



a) 198.13 milligrams

b) 47,532 decimeters



a) 53,270 meters

b) 13,000 milliliters



a) 425.1 grams

b) 875 centiliters



a) 53.18 decimeters

b) 0.00147 kiloliters