About Percentages:

When we convert a decimal to a percentage, we move the decimal point to the right two places and place a "%" percentage sign behind the number. To convert from a percentage to a decimal, we reverse this procedure. Delete the percentage sign, and move the decimal point two places to the left.

Test Objectives
  • Demonstrate the ability to convert a decimal to a percentage
  • Demonstrate the ability to convert a fraction to a percentage
  • Demonstrate the ability to convert a percentage to a decimal
Percentages Practice Test:


Instructions: Convert each to a percent.

a) 0.6417

b) 3.185

c) 0.00092


Instructions: Convert each to a percent.

a) 0.034

b) 0.298

c) 0.00037


Instructions: Convert each to a percent.

a) $$\frac{1}{2}$$

b) $$\frac{7}{8}$$

c) $$\frac{5}{2}$$


Instructions: Convert each to a decimal.

a) 0.67%

b) 32%

c) 0.1507%


Instructions: Convert each to a decimal.

a) 5.26%

b) 0.00034%

c) 724%

Written Solutions:



a) 64.17%

b) 318.5%

c) 0.092%



a) 3.4%

b) 29.8%

c) 0.037%



a) 50%

b) 87.5%

c) 250%



a) 0.0067

b) 0.32

c) 0.001507



a) 0.0526

b) 0.0000034

c) 7.24