About Fraction to Decimal:

To change a fraction into a decimal, we divide the numerator by the denominator. When dealing with a proper fraction, the numerator or dividend is smaller than the denominator or divisor. Recall that we can add zeros after the decimal point in order to perform the division in this scenario.

Test Objectives
  • Demonstrate the ability to change a fraction into a decimal
  • Demonstrate the ability to perform a long division where the dividend is smaller than the divisor
  • Demonstrate the ability to notate a repeating decimal
Fraction to Decimal Practice Test:


Instructions: Convert each fraction to a decimal.

a) $$\frac{9}{11}$$

b) $$\frac{3}{5}$$


Instructions: Convert each fraction to a decimal.

a) $$\frac{2}{111}$$


Instructions: Convert each fraction to a decimal.

a) $$15 \frac{1}{8}$$

b) $$19 \frac{5}{22}$$


Instructions: Convert each fraction to a decimal.

a) $$\frac{24}{5}$$

b) $$\frac{231}{9}$$


Instructions: Convert each fraction to a decimal.

a) $$11 \frac{3}{16}$$

b) $$3 \frac{4}{5}$$

Written Solutions:



a) 0.81

b) 0.6



a) 0.0180



a) 15.125

b) 19.227



a) 4.8

b) 25.6



a) 11.1875

b) 3.8