About Decimal Definition:

A decimal fraction is a fraction that contains a power of ten (specifically ten raised to a whole number 1 or larger) as its denominator. Decimal fractions are typically written using a decimal point. We can write the decimal fraction 27/100 using a decimal point as 0.27.

Test Objectives
  • Demonstrate the ability to write a decimal fraction using a decimal point
  • Demonstrate the ability to convert a number with a decimal point into a decimal fraction
  • Demonstrate the ability to write a mixed number using a decimal point
Decimal Definition Practice Test:


Instructions: Write each as a decimal fraction.

a) 0.37

b) 2.125


Instructions: Write each as a decimal fraction.

a) 0.0984

b) 8.1175


Instructions: Write each as a decimal fraction.

a) 6.2275

b) 13.118552


Instructions: Write each as a decimal.

a) $$\frac{6}{10}$$

b) $$3 \frac{4}{100}$$


Instructions: Write each as a decimal.

a) $$25 \frac{3}{10{,}000}$$

b) $$\frac{459}{1{,}000{,}000}$$

Written Solutions:



a) $$\frac{37}{100}$$

b) $$2 \frac{125}{1{,}000}$$



a) $$\frac{984}{10{,}000}$$

b) $$8 \frac{1{,}175}{10{,}000}$$



a) $$6 \frac{2{,}275}{10{,}000}$$

b) $$13 \frac{118{,}552}{1{,}000{,}000}$$



a) 0.6

b) 3.04



a) 25.0003

b) 0.000459