About Comparing Fractions:

In many cases, it can be difficult to determine if one fraction is bigger than another. We can determine which fraction is larger by rewriting each fraction as an equivalent fraction with the LCD as its denominator. We can then determine the larger fraction by finding the larger numerator.

Test Objectives
  • Demonstrate the ability to compare the size of two fractions and determine the larger/smaller
  • Demonstrate the ability to compare the size of more than two fractions and list their relative size
  • Demonstrate the ability to use “<”,“>”, and "=" to show the relationship between fractions
Comparing Fractions Practice Test:


Instructions: Replace each ? with <,>, or =.

a) $$\frac{4}{5}\hspace{.1em}? \hspace{.1em}\frac{8}{10}$$

b) $$\frac{2}{3}\hspace{.1em}? \hspace{.1em}\frac{4}{7}$$

c) $$\frac{3}{11}\hspace{.1em}? \hspace{.1em}\frac{3}{7}$$


Instructions: Replace each ? with <,>, or =.

a) $$\frac{31}{50}\hspace{.1em}? \hspace{.1em}\frac{12}{21}$$

b) $$\frac{9}{8}\hspace{.1em}? \hspace{.1em}\frac{14}{11}$$


Instructions: Replace each ? with <,>, or =.

a) $$-\frac{4}{15}\hspace{.1em}? \hspace{.1em}-\frac{2}{7}$$

b) $$-\frac{7}{11}\hspace{.1em}? \hspace{.1em}-\frac{5}{8}$$


Instructions: Arrange each group from smallest to largest using inequality symbols.

a) $$\frac{4}{5}, \frac{11}{15}, \frac{5}{7}$$


Instructions: Arrange each group from smallest to largest using inequality symbols.

a) $$\frac{2}{3}, \frac{8}{21}, \frac{4}{7}, \frac{3}{5}$$

Written Solutions:



a) $$\frac{4}{5}\hspace{.1em}=\hspace{.1em}\frac{8}{10}$$

b) $$\frac{2}{3}\hspace{.1em}> \hspace{.1em}\frac{4}{7}$$

c) $$\frac{3}{11}\hspace{.1em}< \hspace{.1em}\frac{3}{7}$$



a) $$\frac{31}{50}\hspace{.1em}> \hspace{.1em}\frac{12}{21}$$

b) $$\frac{9}{8}\hspace{.1em}< \hspace{.1em}\frac{14}{11}$$



a) $$-\frac{4}{15}\hspace{.1em}> \hspace{.1em}-\frac{2}{7}$$

b) $$-\frac{7}{11}\hspace{.1em}< \hspace{.1em}-\frac{5}{8}$$



a) $$\frac{5}{7}\hspace{.1em}< \hspace{.1em}\frac{11}{15}\hspace{.1em}< \hspace{.1em}\frac{4}{5}$$



a) $$\frac{8}{21}\hspace{.1em}< \hspace{.1em}\frac{4}{7}\hspace{.1em}< \hspace{.1em}\frac{3}{5}\hspace{.1em}< \hspace{.1em}\frac{2}{3}$$