About Absolute Value:

The absolute value of a number is the distance from the number to zero on the number line. For example, the absolute value of four is simply four. This is because four is four units away from zero on the number line. We ask for the absolute value by placing a number inside of “| |”.

Test Objectives
  • Demonstrate the ability to find the absolute value of a number
  • Demonstrate the ability to determine the relationship between absolute value expressions
  • Demonstrate the ability to simplify an expression that contains the absolute value operation
Absolute Value Practice Test:


Instructions: Find the Absolute Value of each.

a) |-2395|

b) |-1|

c) |975|

d) |641|

e) |-11|

f) |-18|

g) |0|


Instructions: Replace the ? with "<", ">", or "=".

a) |-3| ? |25|

b) |-7| ? |15|

c) |31| ? |-31|

d) |752| ? |-5015|

e) |0| ? -25


Instructions: Replace the ? with "<", ">", or "=".

a) |75 + 22| ? |-79|

b) |32 x 5 - 7| ? |-115|

c) |102 ÷ 4 + 8| ? |32|

d) |53 ÷ 5 + 11| ? |2(6 - 4) + 92|


Instructions: Simplify each.

a) -|-173|

b) -(-(-(-|34 - 8|)))

c) -(-(-|-212|))


Instructions: Simplify each.

a) -(-|22 ÷ 4|) + |5 + 7|

b) -(-(-(-|62 ÷ 9 + 7|)))

Written Solutions:



a) |-2395| = 2395

b) |-1| = 1

c) |975| = 975

d) |641| = 641

e) |-11| = 11

f) |-18| = 18

g) |0| = 0



a) |-3| < |25|

b) |-7| < |15|

c) |31| = |-31|

d) |752| < |-5015|

e) |0| > -25



a) 79 = 79

b) 38 < 115

c) 33 > 32

d) 36 < 85



a) -|-173| = -173

b) -(-(-(-|34 - 8|))) = 73

c) -(-(-|-212|)) = -212



a) -(-|22 ÷ 4|) + |5 + 7| = 13

b) -(-(-(-|62 ÷ 9 + 7|))) = 11