About Finding the Distance Between Two Points:

We can find the distance between any two points on the coordinate plane by sketching out a right triangle and using the Pythagorean formula. From this formula, we are able to create a distance formula. This distance formula allows us to quickly find the distance between any two points. We simply label the points, plug in, and simplify.

Test Objectives
  • Demonstrate a general understanding of the distance formula
  • Demonstrate the ability to calculate a square root
  • Demonstrate the ability to simplify a square root
Finding the Distance Between Two Points Practice Test:


Instructions: find the distance between each pair of points.

$$a)\hspace{.2em}(-3, 1),(2, 13)$$


Instructions: find the distance between each pair of points.



Instructions: find the distance between each pair of points.



Instructions: find the distance between each pair of points.

$$a)\hspace{.2em}(-1,-4), (5,4)$$


Instructions: find the distance between each pair of points.


Written Solutions:






$$a)\hspace{.2em}3 \sqrt{13}$$








