About Radical Expressions:

Radicals allow us to reverse exponent operations. For example, squaring a number such as 5, or (-5) will give us 25. If we take the square root of 25, we get back to 5 or (-5). The same process occurs when we look at higher level roots. A cube root will undo cubing a number. A fourth root will undo raising a number to the fourth power.

Test Objectives
  • Demonstrate the ability to evaluate a radical expression
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the terms "perfect square" and "perfect cube"
  • Demonstrate the ability to simplify a radical expression
Radical Expressions Practice Test:


Instructions: Evaluate each.




Instructions: Evaluate each.




Instructions: Determine if true or false.

a) 343 is a perfect square

b) 216 is a perfect cube


Instructions: Simplify each.

Assume all variables represent real numbers (positive, negative, or zero)




Instructions: Simplify each.

Assume all variables represent real numbers (positive, negative, or zero)

$$a)\hspace{.2em}\sqrt{x^2 - 18x + 81}$$

$$b)\hspace{.2em}\sqrt[3]{x^3 - 9x^2 + 27x - 27}$$

Written Solutions:











a) false

b) true



$$a)\hspace{.2em}|x^5| \cdot y^2$$




$$a)\hspace{.2em}|x - 9|$$

$$b)\hspace{.2em}x - 3$$