About Converting US Units:

Converting between U.S. units of measurement is pretty simple. We set up a fraction with the relationship between the units we are working with. Make sure that the fraction has the units you want to end up within the numerator, then multiply by the original value.

Test Objectives
  • Demonstrate the ability to convert between U.S. units of length
  • Demonstrate the ability to convert between U.S. units of weight
  • Demonstrate the ability to convert between U.S. units of volume
Converting US Units Practice Test:


Instructions: Perform each unit conversion.

a) 32 hours to minutes

b) 330 feet to miles


Instructions: Perform each unit conversion.

a) 7 tons to pounds

b) 360 hours to days


Instructions: Perform each unit conversion.

a) 126,720 inches to miles


Instructions: Perform each unit conversion.

a) 3240 inches to yards


Instructions: Perform each unit conversion.

a) 22.5 days to seconds

Written Solutions:



a) 1920 minutes

b) 0.0625 miles



a) 14,000 pounds

b) 15 days



a) 2 miles



a) 90 yards



a) 1,944,000 seconds