About Parallel Lines:

When we have two parallel lines, the slopes will be the same, but the y-intercepts will be different. When we have perpendicular lines, the product of the slopes will be -1. To determine if we have parallel or perpendicular lines, place each line in slope-intercept form and inspect the slopes.

Test Objectives
  • Demonstrate an understanding of parallel and perpendicular lines
  • Demonstrate the ability to determine if a pair of lines are parallel
  • Demonstrate the ability to determine if a pair of lines are perpendicular
Parallel Lines Practice Test:


Instructions: Determine if each pair of lines is parallel, perpendicular, or neither.

a) 7x + 2y = 10 : 4x - 14y = 42


Instructions: Determine if each pair of lines is parallel, perpendicular, or neither.

a) 2x - 5y = 0 : 6x - 15y = -30


Instructions: Write the standard form of the equation of the line described.

a) through (-3,1) : parallel to:

y = -1x - 2


Instructions: Write the standard form of the equation of the line described.

a) through (1,5) : parallel to:

y = -1x - 2


Instructions: Write the standard form of the equation of the line described.

a) through (4,-5) : perpendicular to:

y = 8x - 1

Written Solutions:



a) perpendicular



a) parallel



a) x + 3y = 0



a) x + 6y = 31



a) 5x + 8y = -20